Moving and handling education within NHSGGC is divided into two parts. Induction courses for employees who are new to NHSGGC and do not have a Scottish Manual Handling Passport and update education.
The requirement for an update for staff undertaking higher risk manual handling activities, is identified through competency assessment. Induction courses remain the same, however rather than providing refresher training for all staff irrespective of need, a process of competency assessment is used to identify where additional support may be required.
Nominations for all NHSGGC Moving and Handling courses to be made through eESS.
Information for delegates
Please ensure delegate is aware of dress code for Moving and Handling Training, appropriate clothing and footwear for practical work. Class register requires payroll number or eESS ID, bring copy of this to the training day.
Attendance will be recorded on eESS. In addition local managers should keep local training records and to assist with this if a delegate does not attend the nominating person will be contacted within 24 hours to inform them of the non-attendance.
Moving and Handling Induction
Staff should have completed Manual Handling Theory on Learnpro prior to attending the practical course, staff should bring evidence of completing module to practical training.
Practical moving and handling training is now a one day course, dates and venues available to view on eESS.
Competency Assessors Course – Patient Handling
Staff who complete a one day competency assessor course will be able to carry out moving and handling assessments within ward / department.
Competency Assessors Update
Staff who have previously attended a one day competency assessors course can request onsite support, send email to M & H inbox and a member of the team will be in touch to arrange a session.
Load Handling Training – Induction and Competency Assessor
Please request by sending details to the M & H inbox & a member of the team will be in touch to arrange a session.
Onsite Coaching
Please request by sending details to the M & H inbox & a member of the team will be in touch to arrange a session.
For any further information email the Moving and Handling inbox