NHSGGC Quality Strategy “Quality Everyone Everywhere” reinforces our commitment to providing high quality, person-centred care. This includes a person-centred approach to care planning.
What are the benefits of a person-centred approach to care planning?
- Care which focuses on personal goals, preferences and needs, results in more effective care. This in turn, results in better outcomes, experience and improves safety.
- Well-designed documentation systems and processes support effective communication between healthcare staff and people receiving care. This helps facilitate information processing, analysis and intelligence to inform improvement in safety and quality of care.
In 2021, we undertook an extensive engagement exercise to learn from the people who use and work in our services. The initial survey received over 600 responses, followed by two virtual workshops.
From this we developed a set of NHSGGC Core Principles of Person-Centred Care Planning:
- Listen to understand what matters to the individual in the context of their illness or treatment and include their individual preferences and choices.
- Ask who matters and how they wish them to be involved in decision making about their plan of care and provision of care.
- Include the preferred approach, tools and resources to support communication and information needs.
- Set realistic aims and goals which are achievable across the whole episode of care.
- Reflective of a structured multi-professional approach to the plan of care.
Next steps
We are rolling out a new approach to Person-Centred Care Planning, along with Digital Clinical Notes, in our adult acute inpatient areas. We continue to explore change ideas to improve this approach. This helps ensure the care plans people have are in line with what matters to them.