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Staff & Recruitment

The Role of the Confidential Contact

The role of a Confidential Contact within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is to provide informal signposting and support to staff who have a whistleblowing concern.

They provide a listening ear, information about whistleblowing policy and procedures, and signposting to other more formal sources of support, such as their trade union.

Confidential Contacts are able to support staff appropriately. They know the possibilities for a way forward, and are able to present options that inform the member of staff to allow them to make their own decisions.

The role of a Confidential Contact is in addition to their substantive role.

Confidential Contacts will not make judgements about anyone who accesses them.

Maintaining confidentiality

The nature and content of discussions with a confidential contact are private and personal to the member of staff, and as such, will not be discussed with anyone else without the express permission of the individual involved.

However, there are limits to this confidentiality. For example, if the member of staff, or others, are being subjected to unlawful behaviours or harm, the Confidential Contact has a duty of care to report this.

If you speak to a Confidential Contact, your name and contact details are only known to the Contact who is providing support, unless you request of give your approval for this information to be shared.

Any notes from discussions with employees will be destroyed once the monitoring process is complete.

The names and contact details of Confidential Contacts are listed below:

Christine MacNeil, Dermatology Nurse
Colin McCormack, Head of Mental Health Services
Enric Murio
Debbie MacIntyre, Clinical Services Manager 
Danny Scott, Speech and Language Therapist
Dona Grimwood, PA 
Gillian Hannah – Risk and Litigation Manager NHSGGC
Irene Whyte – Health Records Manager
Karen McGugan
Jazair Saghir – Associate Specialist
Kevin Curran, Healthcare Support Worker
Maria Sanchez, PA 
Margaret McCormack
Paul Roy-McLead, Inpatient Support Nurse
Rona Hutton
Sajid Farid, Consultant
Shona Dempster, Out of Hours Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Members of staff who have a whistleblowing concern are encouraged to make contact with the person above who they feel is most appropriate for them. Often, the selection is random, but staff seeking support can approach a contact in another division for confidentiality reasons, or if they feel more comfortable with this.

Confidential contacts do not represent or provide advice to staff, and will not act as intermediaries in disputes. They do not provide any counselling or therapy services. They also do not accompany individuals in hearings or meetings about their complaint.

Workforce Strategy 2021-2025

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) is an organisation which is renowned for modern high-quality patient care and progressive medicine. It is therefore vital that we continue to attract and nurture the most talented and public service focused people, both locally and from around the world and achieve our ambition of ‘Growing our Great Community’.

Our Workforce Strategy 2021-2025 sets out how we will achieve this and develop NHSGGC under our corporate objective of ‘Better Workplace’.

Our current and future employees are our greatest strength and this Strategy describes the foundations, framework, support and opportunities which underpin our four workforce pillars.

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Learning
  • Leaders
  • Recruitment and Retention

In order to achieve the ambitions outlined within the Workforce Strategy 2021-2025, a suite of supporting strategies and plans have been developed to operationalise the actions contained within the Strategy.

Staff Health Strategy 2023-2025

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde continues to prioritise the health and wellbeing of our workforce. Our current and future staff are our greatest strength and this Strategy underpins the Board’s Workforce Strategy and reflects our aspirations to be a Better Workplace.

The focus of the Staff Health Strategy 2023-2025 has moved towards recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and support to staff to improve their wellbeing as new challenges arise. We have a strong foundation to build upon as evidenced by the many initiatives that have been introduced and embedded, including the Active Staff Programme, provision of Mental Health Support and the ongoing rollout of Peer Support. None of this is possible without the help and support of local teams across the organisation and Staff Partnership colleagues. Our staff equalities forums and the Staff Health Working Groups in Acute Services and our six Health and Social Care Partnerships also have a key role to play in delivering the actions which will flow from our strategic intent.

Internal Communications and Employee Engagement Strategy 2022-2025

Engaging internal communications and high levels of employee engagement are crucial to continually developing our aim of being a better workplace. This underpins all our NHSGGC’s Workforce Strategy actions.

The Internal Communications and Employee Engagement Strategy sets out how we will do this, by supporting all our 40,000 employees to have a strong sense of purpose, connection, contribution and commitment to our organisation.

Safety Health and Wellbeing Culture Framework

The Safety Health and Wellbeing Culture Framework roadmap outlines how we will improve the culture within NHSGGC, using an agreed set of Safety Health and Wellbeing (SHaW) standards.

The NHSGGC Chief Executive and Employee Director have reinforced their joint commitment to improving the safety, health and wellbeing culture within NHSGGC, through the development of the SHaW Framework.

All staff have a responsibility for safety, health and wellbeing within NHSGGC. A set of guidance documents outlined the roles and responsibilities for employees, managers and directors.

Workforce Plan 2022-2025

Each year NHSGGC is required by the Scottish Government to develop and publish a workforce plan which sets out the strategic direction for workforce development and the resulting changes to our workforce over the next year and beyond.

The NHSGGC Workforce Plan is developed using the NHS Scotland six steps methodology and the NHS Careers Framework. Both of these workforce models enable us to take a coherent view of the workforce across all job families and sub-groups. The Career Framework in particular is a useful tool for modelling and implementing workforce change and we are promoting and encouraging the use of this tool in NHSGGC.

Local workforce planning activity is managed within the Acute Services Division and within the Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs). In addition, there are workforce plans which focus on cross sector issues and plans based on service delivery models.

The workforce implications of service change and redesign are also set out in NHSGGC’s financial and service plans at Board and Divisional/HSCP level. These workforce implications highlight any planned recruitment activity and are further analysed in the project implementation documents (PIDs) which are prepared to support any significant service change and which set out the financial, workforce and equality impacts of any proposed changes.

All of the above workforce information is analysed and summarised by the workforce planners in order to develop the annual NHSGGC Workforce Plan.

Recruitment and Attraction Plan 2022-2025

The vision for the Recruitment and Attraction Plan 2022-2025 is to establish ourselves as a great employer and seen as an Employer of Choice. 

To help us achieve this vision, we have three ambitions: 

  1. Attract, retain and value the most skilled, diverse and talented people from our local communities and around the world, proving we are a world-class public sector organisation.  
  1. Empower our Human Resources and Organisational Development workforce to deliver a digitally-enabled world-class recruitment and onboarding service for our future talent that is inclusive and person-centred. 
  1. Ensure use of high-quality data to drive forward workforce planning and recruitment initiatives as we strive to be a world-class public service. 

Our Recruitment and Attraction Plan sets out how we will achieve these ambitions, ensures recruitment and selection is inclusive and attracts candidates from diverse backgrounds, and develops NHSGGC under our corporate objective of ‘Better Workplace’. 

Workforce Equality Action Plan

The Board Workforce Equality Group (WEG) aims to further develop NHSGGC as an inclusive organisation that engages with staff across all aspects of employment, in a way that reaches to the core of our organisational values and meets and exceeds our legal requirements as an equal opportunities employer. The WEG is responsible for the NHSGGC Workforce Equality Plan. The group includes representatives from the Staff Disability Forum, the Black and Minority Ethnic Staff Network, the LGBT+ Forum, staff-side, Human Resources and the Equality and Human Rights Team.

The key ambitions and outcomes for the Workforce Equality Action Plan 2020-2024 are:

  • Our staff are treated fairly and consistently, with dignity and respect, in an environment where diversity is valued.
  • Our data collection is legally compliant and is used to improve equality and diversity of our workforce.
  • We can demonstrate that we are an exemplar employer by participating in recognised equality frameworks and charters.
  • We have taken all the actions in our control to reduce equal pay gaps by sex, disability and ethnicity.
  • Staff from equality groups are fully engaged in contributing to the Workforce Equality Group.

National workforce strategies

The NHSGGC Workforce Strategy 2021-2025 has been supported, driven, shaped and complemented by a suite of national workforce strategies aimed at Scotland’s health and social care workforce.

Health and social care: national workforce strategy

The Health and social care: national workforce strategy (published by the Scottish Government) sets out the Scottish Government’s vision for the health and social care workforce.

It supports their tripartite ambition of recovery, growth and transformation of their workforce and the actions they will take to achieve their vision and ambition.

Health and social care delivery plan

The Health and social care delivery plan sets out the Scottish Government’s programme to further enhance health and social care services. Working so the people of Scotland can live longer, healthier lives at home or in a homely setting and they have a health and social care system that:

  • is integrated;
  • focuses on prevention, anticipation and supported self-management;
  • will make day-case treatment the norm, where hospital treatment is required and cannot be provided in a community setting;
  • focuses on care being provided to the highest standards of quality and safety, whatever the setting, with the person at the centre of all decisions; and
  • ensures people get back into their home or community environment as soon as appropriate, with minimal risk of re-admission.

Previous strategies

Previous strategies and plans supporting the Workforce Strategy can be accessed below

Staff Health Strategy 2021-2023

NHSGGC has been and continues to be very mindful of the need to ensure we maximise all our efforts to ensure we can support the health and wellbeing of our workforce.

Our current and future staff are our greatest strength and this strategy underpins the Board’s Workforce Strategy and reflects our aspirations to Grow Our Great Community.

In order to ensure we are best placed to reflect and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as deliver our corporate objectives and transformation ambitions we need to ensure that our workforce are supported to deliver the changes we need to make. We recognise that our staff need time to recover and reflect on the impact of the pandemic on their mental health and wellbeing and whilst Mental Health was one of our top priorities in our previous strategy it is a key component of our ambitions for our Staff Health Strategy for 2021-2023.

Medical Director, Dr Jennifer Armstrong, in collaboration with The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, will once again present two prestigious awards for Medical staff.

The William Cullen Prize for excellence in teaching and a separate William Cullen prize for service innovation will recognise a clinician, or clinician and team, as having made a significant contribution to local teaching or service innovation in Greater Glasgow and Clyde. 

The winners of each Prize will receive a framed print of a William Cullen letter which will be selected from the Royal College’s archive. The William Cullen Prizes will be presented at our Celebrating Success Event.

William Cullen

William Cullen (1710-1790) began his career as a medical lecturer and pioneer teacher of Chemistry at Glasgow University rising to international fame as the leading figure in Edinburgh University medical school and served as president of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. He was appointed the King’s Physician in Scotland and became the most influential medical lecturer of his generation.  His private consultations survive as a remarkable archive of several thousand letters.

Teaching Award

We currently have recognition awards for medical teaching based on performance in the national trainee and student surveys. The overall William Cullen Prize winner will be selected from that cohort of around 20 of our top performers.

Innovation Prize

To enter or nominate for the William Cullen Prize Innovation award please complete this form. Dr Armstrong and a panel of senior medical staff will form the judging panel.

Nomination Form

Closing date Wednesday 17th April.

gold and silver stars
Agenda for Change

Pay Journey Tool

Details regarding the Agenda for Change Pay Reform (May 2019) can be found via the link below:

 STAC (Scottish Terms and Conditions) Committee Update on Agenda for Change pay reform (May 2019)

TOIL (Time Off In Lieu) Update

As part of the three year Agenda for Change pay deal agreed in 2018, NHS Scotland Employers and Staff Side also agreed to develop guidance around the use the Time Off In Lieu (TOIL), further to the provision set out in Section 3 of the Agenda for Change Handbook.

Please find attached the following new NHS Scotland Circular:

All information regarding Agenda for Change is available on the below link:

Medical and Dental

Click the link below for access to the terms and conditions of service for the appropriate grades of doctor/dentist. These links take you to the Management Steering Group’s website, where information on nationally agreed payscales, terms and conditions is regularly updated

Contract Variation

Letter template used to confirm details of any variation of contract:

Please contact the HR Support & Advice Unit should you wish to clarify any aspects of applying this template.

Executive and Senior Managers

Click the link below for access to the terms and conditions of service for senior and executive managers. These links take you to the Management Steering Group’s website, where information on nationally agreed payscales, terms and conditions is regularly updated.

Job Evaluation
Scottish Public Pensions Agency

Scottish Public Pensions Agency (SPPA) administers pensions on behalf of the Scottish Government for employees of the National Health Service in Scotland as well as Teachers, the Police and Firefighters.

If you would like further information on your pension please contact SPPA directly on 01896 893 000 or alternatively their website provides extensive guidance (link above).

Recent Updates

Scottish Public Pensions Agency – Changes to our Retirement Application Forms February 2022

Based on feedback from you, we have made some changes to our retirement forms, modifying the NHS RET form into two separate forms, one for Practitioner members called the PRAC:RET and one for all other NHS workers called the NHS:RET.

This process will make things simpler for you, allowing a smoother process from application to calculation.


The new Practitioner retirement form should be used by any member that has held Practitioner service at any time during their career.

The PRAC:RET form has undergone cosmetic changes and the priority of the Practitioner elements have been re-ordered. Further explanations have been added regarding Practitioner terminology, to make filling in the form easier.

NHS Scotland Staff Pension Policy on Recycling Employers Contribution (REC)

The Scottish Government has introduced a new Policy to introduce an option for employees who are current or deferred members of the NHS Pension Scheme. The Scottish Government and NHS Scotland recognise that a number of employees are disproportionately impacted by additional tax charges and may find their future benefits are affected.  This is because employees are or may be affected by the Annual Allowance (AA).

In light of this, this new Policy allows a flexible approach through the introduction of a Recycling Employers Contributions (REC Payment) scheme that will allow those employees who believe they may be impacted by the AA tax charge an alternative option to their current NHS pension arrangement. The scheme is time limited until 31st March 2023 and applications should be submitted no later than 28th February 2023.

To apply to the Scheme you should complete the application at the link below, and submit this with all required documentation to If you have any specific queries in relation to this, please contact us through this email address.

Neither NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde nor SPPA can provide financial advice, therefore employees who believe they may be impacted by the AA tax charge are encouraged to seek independent financial advice prior to applying for the REC payment. 

NHS Pension Scheme – 2015 Remedy (McCloud Sargeant)

The 2015 Remedy is the term used for the pension scheme changes announced by the UK government. This was in response to the 2018 Court of Appeal ruling that found the pension scheme reforms introduced on 1 April 2015 discriminated against younger members of the legacy schemes.

As part of your personal retirement planning you may have considered how the 2015 Remedy affects you. To provide clarity on this area, NHS Staff Benefits have produced a short information video outlining the 2015 Pension Reforms and addressing questions regarding tax free sums and pension information post April 2022. Supporting the video are 2015 Remedy Scheme Frequently Asked Questions which can be found on the Scottish Public Pensions Agency website.

Links to the resources can be found below:

SPPA NHS Pensions Scheme – Quick Links

Returning to work in NHSGGC after voluntary retirement

If you wish to keep working with NHSGGC after retirement on a part or full time basis you can find NHSGGC guidance here: Guidance on Voluntary Retirement and Re-Employment.

Advice can be discussed by contacting the NHSGGC HR Support and Advice Enquiry Team on 0141 278 2700 option 2.

Planning to retire

Full information on the NHS Pensions Schemes is available on the SPPA Web Page. This page provides links to information on:

  • About NHS Pensions
  • Your memebrship
  • Retiring from the NHS
  • Receiving your pension
  • Scheme governance and legislation
  • NHS Factors
  • NHS Forms
  • Pensions Tax Lesgislation
  • 2015 Remedy and NHS FAQs

You can find quick links below to selected areas on the SPPA web page. This follows feedback from NHSGGC staff identifying the most frequently requested information.

About  NHS Pensions:

Your Pension Scheme Membership

This section covers information on the following areas and can be accessed by going to Government Pensions Information webpage.

  • Scheme Overview
  • Joining the Scheme
  • Your Contributions
  • Special Class Members and Mental Health Officers
  • Medical and Dental Practitioners
  • Part-time Employees
  • Divorce
  • Industrial Action
  • Parental Leave
  • Career Break
  • Ill Health
  • Full and Tapered Protection
  • Opting-out or Leaving the NHS
  • Rejoining the Scheme
  • NHS Injury Benefits
  • Death and Family Benefits
  • Protection of Pay and Voluntary Protection of Pay

Pension calculators; This sections provides the following calculators which can be assessed from the page link here

 All calculators are based on Microsoft Office Excel:

  • NHS Pension Calculator
  • Pension Lump Sum Calculator
  • Additional Pension Calculator
  • Preserved Benefits Estimate Calculator

Pension estimates and annual benefit statements; Your annual benefit statement estimates your pension benefits accrued up to the end of the most recent financial year based on your pensionable service and / or salary details as confirmed by your employer. Information on how to access to your statement and other information can be found here

Please note that not all information on the SSPA NHS Pensions Scheme page is included in this quick links page. Full information can be found by navigating from the SSPA home page to ensure you have all the information your require for your unique pension circumstances.

Working and Retirement Options under the NHS Pension 1995 Scheme

You may be a member of the NHS Superannuation Scheme approaching a point in your career where you are unsure of the financial options available to you regarding the continuation of work or making a decision to retire.

By registering on a Pre-Retirement Financial Awareness event you can receive information relating to scheme decisions and relevant Independent Financial Advice. For information and access to an even, please visit Pre-retirement Financial Awareness – NHSGGC

The pre-retirement financial awareness event has been designed to equip you with information and tools prior to submitting your forms to SPPA via your line manager and payroll. During the course we will discuss wider retirement related topics with a focus on financial issues. The workshop provides the opportunity to seek free independent financial advice from Poise Financial Planning Ltd (no obligation consultation on request)*

*Disclaimer: NHS Staff Benefits in association with Poise Financial Planning Ltd are responsible for financial advice not your employer, in accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority’s regulations. Your employer cannot recommend Poise Financial Planning Ltd but we can confirm they are registered with and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority to give independent financial advice.

Contact Telephone Number

  • Call Reception: 0141 211 8580

Contact Email Address

Site contacts

  • Gartnavel General Hospital: 0141 211 3171
  • Glasgow Dental Hospital: 0141 211 9725
  • Glasgow Royal Infirmary: 0141 211 8580
  • Inverclyde Royal Hospital: 01475 54379
  • Royal Alexandra Hospital: 0141 314 7057
  • Royal Hospital for Children: 0141 452 2880
  • Queen Elizabeth University Hospital: 0141 452 2880
  • New Stobhill Hospital: 0141 355 1406
  • New Victoria Hospital: 0141 347 8537
  • West Glasgow ACH: 0141 201 0164

Studio and Location Based Clinical Photography

Clinical photographs provide a permanent and accurate recording of a patient’s condition, and are used to monitor the progress of treatment, assist with diagnosis, and for triage (further specialist opinion). All patients can be seen by a photographer within our fully-equipped clinical photographic studios, or on location in wards or clinic areas.

Fully Trained and Accredited Professional Clinical Photographers

Photographs are taken by fully qualified professional clinical photographers, who are registered with the Academy of Healthcare Scientists (AHCS) for professional accreditation and regulation. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has adopted the IMI Code of Responsible Practice and Protocols for Ethical Conduct and Legal Compliance in respect of patient consent and confidentiality. Patients are treated with the upmost respect and care. 

Full Range of Diagnostic Equipment

Our photographers are trained to use a broad range of camera equipment to make sure we can provide accurate diagnostic images to our healthcare colleagues, ranging from Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) for ophthalmic patients to polarised lighting techniques in dermoscopic images for skin specialists.

Non-clinical and PR Photography

Our team are accomplished in capturing non-clinical moments within the healthcare environment. This ranges from staff portraits to coverage of high-profile events and visits. Our team has won many professional awards and has been published within various media and news outlets.

Medicolegal Photography

Medical Illustration Services will accept instructions from external agencies across the UK requiring personal injury photography. Our expert clinical photographers provide high quality photographic documentation for Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence cases, producing accurate and legitimate photographic evidence of injury.

Medical Image Manager – MIM

Medical Image Manager is a purpose-built database solution which allows healthcare professionals to access clinical photographs at workstations using a simple web browser. The system has been fully implemented within the acute hospitals of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

To log onto MIM click the Medical Image Manager link here or access directly via the Clinical Portal.

Registration: To register to use the system, please complete the MIM System Access Request Form. This form can be filled in electronically but must be signed and authorised: unsigned electronic copies will not be processed. Due to the sensitive nature of the images held within the database, access is restricted. 

Important: Users must have an active XGGC account and Clinical Portal account to register for the system.

Please be aware that access to any patient identifiable information is governed by the Data Protection Act 1998.  Your rights and responsibilities under this act can be found in the NHS Code of Practice on Protecting Patient Confidentiality.

Email us if you have any enquiries.

Secure Clinical Image Transfer – SCIT

Clinical photographs used for treatment planning, diagnosis, and recording and monitoring the progress of a patient’s condition, form an essential part of the patient’s healthcare record.

The Secure Clinical Image Transfer (SCIT) app is NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s approved method for capturing clinical photographs securely on a registered mobile device in acute and community settings.

Authorised users of the SCIT app should familiarise themselves with the SCIT Usage Policy, NHSGGC’s Information Security, Mobile Communications, and Recordings (Photography and Video) for Clinical and Service Use policies, and work in compliance with them at all times.

SCIT can only be used on NHS GGC-owned devices, and should only be used if professional clinical photography services are not available. SCIT cannot be used on personal devices at this point in time.

Approved devices: NHS GGC-issued Samsung mobile phones (ordered through Telecomms)

Users will be audited in terms of user access, data input, and image quality, and notified of any issues; if ongoing, you’ll be removed from the authorised list and the SCIT app deactivated.

If you have an approved device, you can apply for access to SCIT.

Training: Watch the SCIT Overview and Training video for more information.

Print on the Web – POTW

A searchable patient information resource database relating to conditions treatments and services provided by our hospitals. Written by our health care professionals, and reviewed regularly to ensure all information is up to date. PDF previews of each document can be viewed before ordering.


From a simple piece to camera, to role play, training, or complex campaigns and dramatisations, together we’ll help you film concepts with impact. We work within sensitive clinical environments, and understand the requirements for patient consent, confidentiality, and infection control when filming clinical programmes. Most of our work is undertaken outside the studio, to bring a sense of realism and to create a dynamic that presents the viewer with a compelling series of visuals. Our production services include design for animation and motion graphics produced in-house at our studio in Glasgow Royal Infirmary.

Our standard production studio is a flexible space that can accommodate green screen arrangements, and our in-house autocue system can also be used on location. We’ll work with you to create resources that have impact and can be readily adapted for subtitling, translation or British Sign Language (BSL). Never has it been so important to understand how we engage with communities and we are proud of our work that reflects this.

Simple Recordings

So many services find themselves changing practices, and are left without an easy way to train, educate or consult. We’ve introduced a simple studio-based recording service to allow us to meet this demand. We can still offer fully supported productions but these take longer in planning. We’ll review your requirements, contact you for any clarifications and confirm what the cost will be.

How we work

Tell us what you need and how you think it might look. We’ll work to understand your requirements, and how closely you want to be involved in production. Once agreed, we’ll develop the project plan with you. In essence, we take complex ideas and interpret them, turning the problem in to a simple and clever narrative. If we don’t understand your goals, then we can’t produce what you need, so we revisit your ideas until we do, and support you in co-writing your script. Dependent on the treatment, we interpret a script visually by creating an image sequence (storyboard) that helps you ‘see’ the film before it’s made. Once the proposal has been signed off, we’ll assign a dedicated producer who’ll be your contact, overseeing the whole project. This tends to happen quickly over a short space of time, and with good reason. Everything should be planned, agreed and in place. It’s where we bring together yours and our commitment. From the outset, we need to know your deadline, and equally important, how and where the production is going to be used. Understanding release intention is key to successful promotion, and if you are unsure then we can advise on how best this can be delivered.

Induction Checklist

Please download a copy of the appropriate induction checklist for your role and work through this with your Line Manager.

Our Organisational Purpose

To deliver effective and high quality health services, to act to improve the health of our population and to do everything we can to address the wider social detriments of health which cause health inequalities.  
Below are some of the frequently asked “big facts” about NHSGGC 

  • We are the largest Health Board in the UK covering a geographical area stretching from East Dunbartonshire to Inverclyde 
  • We deliver services in 25 hospitals, 10 specialist units, 60 health centres and clinics  
  • We cover a core population of approx 1.2million and provide specialist services to more than half the country’s population 
  • We have a total annual budget of £2.6 billion 
  • We employ 44,000 staff 
  • We are investing more than £1billion to build four new hospitals. 

This induction portal is an essential part of your journey as a new colleague, ensuring that you are well informed and provided with the necessary information you need to carry out your role within NHSGGC. 

As you progress through the portal, you will be guided through your induction journey by your line manager. 

Patient Confidentiality
Statutory and Mandatory Learnpro Modules
NHSGGC Role Specific Mandatory Learnpro Modules
NHS Scotland National Policies Website 

Developed nationally in partnership with NHS Scotland employers, trade unions and the Scottish Government, these policies and associated supporting documents set the standard for employment practice for all NHS Scotland Boards to follow.  

The Once for Scotland Workforce policies are person-centred and will be applied using the NHS Scotland values:  

  • care and compassion 
  • dignity and respect 
  • openness, honesty and responsibility 
  • quality and teamwork.  

The first phase of implementation includes the following policies:  

  • Attendance 
  • Bullying and Harassment 
  • Capability 
  • Conduct 
  • Grievance 
  • Workforce Policies Investigation Process

The policies promote the use of early resolution, all parties establishing and encouraging open and honest communication and adopting a supportive approach by proactively communicating with and offering support to employees who are involved in any process as part of a workforce policy. 


Staff are paid on a monthly basis. Your salary will be paid into your bank account on the last Thursday of every month. Your pay slip can be accessed on SSTS. You choose option for “ePayroll” and can view your pay history and previous documents.  Should you have any queries regarding your pay, you must in the first instance, seek advice from your Line Manager, before contacting the Payroll Department.  

Any overtime worked should be submitted to your Line Manager on a weekly basis. Overtime is paid one month behind e.g. if you work overtime in April, this will be paid in your salary at the end of May. Any queries regarding overtime must be highlighted to your Line Manager as soon as possible. 


Holidays run from 01 April until 31 March the following year. Full-time staff will receive holidays as follows:  

  • 0-5 years service 27 days annual leave per year  
  • 5-10 years service 29 days annual leave per year  
  • 10 or more years service 33 days annual leave per year  

Any requests for annual leave must be filled out on your annual leave card and authorised by your Line Manager with adequate notice given to allow cover to be organised. Part-time staff will have their annual leave and Public Holiday entitlement calculated pro-rata and provided in hours due. 

Changes to personal details  

As an employee you can view and maintain core information held by your organisation, update your personal details (such as address, marital status, registration), view job related information, and add professional memberships and qualifications. You should do this on eESS.

Annual Leave Standard Operating Procedure 
Staff Partnership

All staff are entitled to join a Trade Union and there are a number of these across the organisation. Should you wish to join a Trade Union, please ask your Line Manager for contact details of Trade Union representatives.  

Trade Union Meetings – Whilst every effort is made to allow staff to attend Trade Union meetings held during working hours, it should be noted that essential cover must be provided. Permission to attend Trade Union meetings during working hours must be granted by your Line Manager. 

Staff Benefits

Staff have access to a wide range of benefits including travel; cycle to work scheme, annual bus ticket loans, and shuttle buses between sites.  

Staff also have access to credit union and discounted gym membership.   

Other deals can be accessed here Exclusive deals for NHS staff at NHS Staff Benefits – NHS Staff Benefits  

Absence from work

The Employee:  

  • has a contractual obligation under their contract of employment to attend work;  
  • must comply at all times with the documented sickness absence reporting procedures;  
  • on returning to work after an absence, is required to attend a Return to Work Discussion with their Line Manager;  
  • will be requested to attend a management meeting to discuss sickness absence and must, if unable to attend for an acceptable reason, inform their Line Manager prior to the date/time of that meeting and if acceptable a further meeting may be convened at an alternative location/date;  
  • When on sick leave is required to maintain a level of contact/communication with their manager, appropriate to their medical condition. All employees are responsible for making every effort to communicate with their Line Manager whilst on sick leave. If you are going to be absent from work for any reason, you must ensure that you follow the correct reporting procedures as follows: employees who are unable to attend work, must tell their Line Manager at the earliest opportunity before their starting time and no later than within one hour after their scheduled starting time. Where the Line Manager is out of the office, notification to a suitable alternative manager is required in accordance with local procedures;  
  • It is the employee’s responsibility to make contact personally with their Line Manager. Only in exceptional circumstances, where the employee is unable to phone personally, a relative or friend may phone on their behalf, but the responsibility remains with the employee;  
  • Where the Line Manager is not available, it is essential that contact is made with an alternative senior staff member who will be responsible for taking the information and passing it to the Line Manager. Messages should not be left on voice mail, with the hospital switchboard or with other wards or departments. Mobile phone text messages are also not acceptable and will result in the employee having an unauthorised absence.  

Failure to make contact in time may lead to:  

  • the absence being treated as unauthorised;  
  •  an appropriate deduction being made from the employee’s pay;  
  • Action under the Disciplinary Policy.  

It is important that the employee communicates all relevant details when making contact, including: 

  • the reason for absence;  
  • an indication of when the employee expects to be fit to return to work;  
  • Details of any appointments with the employee’s GP.  

Sickness Certification  

  • If you are absent from work you must submit the appropriate medical certificates for your absence.  
  • 1-3 days No certification required  
  • 4-7 days Self certificate required  
  • Over 7 days Medical certificate from GP required  
  • It is the employee’s responsibility to keep their Line Manager informed of progress and, in particular, should the employee be unable to return when anticipated. If the employee is absent immediately before leave days or days off, they must tell their Line Manager when they will be fit to come back to work. If the employee is going to be absent for an extended period of time, any subsequent certificates should be submitted as quickly as possible, ensuring all days in the absence period are covered. Failure to submit a certificate may result in pay being withheld.  

Return to Work  

After any period of absence an employee’s return to work will be acknowledged through a documented Return to Work Discussion. In many cases, this may involve little more than a courteous enquiry as to whether the employee is now well. In other cases, e.g. where a pattern of short term absence is developing, or following a period of longer term absence the meeting will explore this more fully:  

  • the reasons for absence;  
  • the employee’s fitness for work;  
  • If the cause of the absence may recur and whether a referral to Occupational Health/GP report is necessary.  

At this meeting the employee will be given the opportunity to raise any issues they have about their absence and to get help from the organisation. More than 4 episodes of sickness in a rolling year or more than 8 days of short term absence in a rolling year can lead to disciplinary action. 

Complaints Handling  

The NHSGGC Complaints procedure seeks to ensure, in accordance with NHS guidelines, that complaints are handled thoroughly without delay, with the aim of satisfying the complainant whilst being fair and open with all those involved. 

Training is available to staff who may be involved via Learnpro module NES: Complaints and Feedback 2017. 

Login to Learnpro the module can be found under CPD section (You will require your Learnpro username and password) 

This programme has 5 modules:

  • The value of feedback  
  • Encouraging Effective feedback and using it  
  • NHS Complaints & Feedback Process  
  • The value of an apology  
  • Difficult behaviour 
Datix Reporter

Please complete the Datix reporter training on Learnpro to ensure correct completion of Datix form.

If you need to contact the Datix administrator, send email to 


iMatter is the NHS Scotland Staff Experience continuous improvement tool which is designed to help individuals, teams and Health Boards understand and improve staff experience. This is a term used to describe the extent to which employees feel motivated, supported and cared for at work.   

Understanding staff experience at work is the first step to putting in place measures that will help to maintain and improve it. This will benefit you as an employee, and the patients/service users that you support and their families.  

The process is based on a staff engagement questionnaire which all staff are asked to respond to, which then generates a Team Report containing the results. The Line Manager discusses the report with the team and agree what the teams’ main strength is, along with up to 3 improvement actions, which are specific for the team in the months ahead. This improvement plan is captured on a team ‘Storyboard’ which the team then uses to monitor progress prior to the next iMatter run. The process is then completed annually.  

iMatter Stories Page iMatter Manager Manual 

iMatter Manager Manual 

National Staff Governance   

eESS Overview

All employees will have access to Employee Self Service and will be responsible for keeping their own personal details up to date.   Below is a list of actions employees can view/action: 

Employee Self Service 

  • Change address – Always use “Type” Primary Home Country address 
  • Includes self employed, ad hoc work and contracted work 

Applying for Adoption, Maternity or Paternity Leave

 Full access to all Employee Self Service Standard Operating Procedures and eLearning video’s is available via eESS. 

CHI 24

The CHI number is the main patient identifier used to process or access patient information from PMS (Trakcare). 

The CHI (Community Health Index) is a database linking all of the Health Boards across Scotland electronically via the CHI 24 system.  

Patients registered on this system are allocated a CHI number which acts as their UPI (Unique Patient Identifier) for their journey through the NHS, from ‘the cradle to the grave’. 

 CHI numbers consist of 10 digits; the first 6 being the patient’s date of birth in DDMMYY format – i.e. 160181. The last 4 digits are allocated randomly by the CHI system that generates the CHI Number; however the 9th digit is indicative of gender – even numbers for female, odd numbers for male. 

The purpose of the CHI number is to provide a universal, multi-system and cross-discipline ID number for patients, so that regardless of where they are being treated within Scotland, and for whatever complaint, the patient’s CHI number will be a constant. This, in turn, will enable a complete clinical picture of the patient to be compiled. 

Some of the benefits of CHI are:  

  • reduce risk of errors in identifying patients;   
  • reduce risk of errors in delivering care to patients, due to inaccurate or missing clinical information;  
  • help protect the patient’s privacy and confidentiality;    
  • reduce risk of patient information being shared inappropriately;  
  • construct a single, complete, accurate and up-to-date clinical picture of a patient’s health care;   
  • Reduce the need to ask patients the same questions many times during their journey through the NHS. 

OneSign (also known as Single Sign-On/SSO) is the user-switching and password management tool available at all acute hospital sites across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. 

OneSign eliminates the need to repeatedly type usernames and passwords and streamlines clinical workflows and enables NHSGGC staff to quickly and securely access IT applications. 

OneSign brings a range of services to users including:  

  • Application Password Management  
  • Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) 
  • Fast user-switching and fast logon  

Digital technology is now at the centre of our professional lives through TrakCare, Clinical Portal, Emisweb, PACS, Winscribe and Microsoft applications (e.g. office 365 and teams) and in our personal lives through social media, online shopping and digital banking. Each day sees continuous or intermittent use of end-point technology – i.e. workstations, laptops, tablets and mobile phones. From the end-point you access applications which may be directly managed by NHSGGC, hosted for NHSGGC on the internet, or your personal applications.  

eHealth works with many technology partners who provide updates that counter the threats that occur every minute of every day. Resisting such attacks requires a combination of technology and good human cyber-behaviour.  

eHealth uses the Fairwarning monitoring system to detect & highlight potentially unauthorised or suspicious activity on systems that hold patient information (more information on this here).  

eHealth promotes good cyber-behaviour and Cybersafe (search on StaffNet for Be Cyber Safe) will provide:  

A list of all Information Governance policies (View the Acceptable Use Policy to which every user should be aware of and comply with) 

  • Cybersecurity best practice for the individual; provided by public sector bodies like the Scottish government, police Scotland, technology vendors and by our own staff  
  • Newsletters which will highlight major themes and outline what you can do to help stay safe 

The majority of what you need to do in your professional life applies also to your personal life. How you need to do it may be different. 

Microsoft 365 Training Modules

Microsoft Teams 

Microsoft 365 Outlook  

Microsoft Planner

Microsoft OneNote

Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft To Do

PDPR Guides
Mental health and stress awareness 

 Course overview 

Supporting staff is a key part of the manager’s job and this module offers guidance and support on issues relating to promoting employee health and attendance. 

This module has a particular focus on supporting staff with mental health and/ or stress issues including use of the Stress Risk Assessment tool. 

Learning Outcomes 

By the end of the session you will: 

  • Understand the purpose of the NHSGGC Staff Health Strategy and of legislation relating to mental health in the workplace 
  • Be ready to assess the risks caused by personal stress or work related stress (Stress Risk Assessment Tool) 
  • Understand the importance of monitoring and review after the risk assessment is completed 
  • Be aware of the range of resources available to support you and your staff 

Book using eESS login.

Learning Passports

Supporting Patients

Giving patients information they need in a clear, appropriate format is one of the key roles of the Graphic Design & Print Team. We maintain and supply over 1000 patient information leaflets across the service. We support health improvement campaigns and well-being initiatives including exhibition/display designs, brochures, posters, branding, and promotional ideas, and offer a bespoke solution to every situation.

Supporting the Organisation

We provide signage and wayfinding, design and print forms, ensuring that through quality of design, all standards are adhered to – governance, branding, and accessibility.

Supporting Staff

NHSGGC relies on its staff to deliver the best quality healthcare, and we help you deliver that care. You’ll receive the best advice on how to deliver essential information in the most appropriate and cost-effective way.

Supporting the Environment

Despite a commitment to paper-light practices, there is still a huge volume of print undertaken within GGC. We have the biggest in-house NHS print facility in Scotland, to match our print on demand requirement. We provide a robust professional print-buying service ensuring best value for money and quality assurance, using the Government Procurement Tender (Quick Quote) and PECOS systems.