This element of the induction process outlines the minimum essential learning requirements of a Registered Nurse (RN). Please work through the essential learning resources within two weeks of starting in your new role. For NHSGGC Bank Staff this must be completed before your first orientation shift. If you require support seek this from your Preceptor, Flying Start NHS® facilitator, and or line manager.
Each of the resources will support your knowledge and confidence in a person-centred care approach. Person-centred care and support is everyone’s business in NHSGGC from the people who use services to the highest levels of our corporate team; from reception staff to porters; from kitchen staff to doctors; from personal care staff to social workers to chief executives; and from volunteers to managers.
Moving and handling activities is a key part of your duties. This includes assisting patients and tasks such as moving equipment, laundry and stores. To keep yourself and patients safe it is essential you have the correct level of training.
If you have a Scottish Manual Handling Passport no foundation practical training course is required. Bring the passport document in to show your SCN or Team Lead. For Registered Nurses on the NHSGGC Staff Bank, send a copy by email to The dates of Moving and Handling training documented in the passport will go into the ward/ department training records. Complete the mandatory learnPro module: 005 Manual Handling Theory together with the practical competency assessment within your clinical area carried out by one of the local assessors.
All patients should be verbally encouraged to move and position themselves independently. When a patient needs to be moved, handled or requiring a mechanical aid this should be carried out with a member of the ward / department team and not on your own. Please, do not to use hoisting equipment until training completed.
The Deteriorating Patient
Most children will have a secondary cardiac arrest following an episode of an acute illness and is usually caused by hypoxia. This is rarely a sudden even but follows a progressive deterioration. By recognising early that a patient is sick and/or deteriorating we can intervene, seek expert help and hopefully stop the patient deteriorating further to cardiac arrest. The prognosis following a secondary cardiorespiratory arrest is poor, therefore emphasis should be placed upon early recognition and prevention.
Within NHS GGC a Paediatric Early Warning Score tool (PEWS) is used to help recognise sick and/or deteriorating patients. The patient’s PEWS score, along with the staff member’s assessment of the patient, can help identify patients at risk of clinical deterioration. PEWS charts have been shown to reduce the amount of “crash calls” and PICU admission with staff escalating their concerns early to the appropriate teams.
During induction, all staff new to paediatrics will be allocated a specific date/time for appropriate resuscitation training, provided by the resuscitation training department. It is essential you attend the time given to you. Staff should ensure these skills are maintained and can book onto future update courses via the eESS System or their line manager:
The resources will help to develop your knowledge and confidence in medicines administration and heighten your understanding of your contribution towards patient safety.
NHSGGC is implementing Fresenius Kabi volumetric and syringe devices. If your clinical area has implemented it you should receive cascade training from a member of the clinical area team.
NHSGGC uses the FreeStyle Precision Pro ® Blood Glucose Meter for blood glucose monitoring.
All staff must be trained prior to using the meters for the first time.
InductionEssential Learning
learnPro® module GGC210 FS Precision Pro – Glucose
What next ? – practical training within your clinical area by your Cascade trainer which includes a quality control test and a patient test.
A Meter Compliance Form will then be sent to Clinical Biochemistry.
You will then receive a unique barcode which you will use to analyse any patient samples. Your barcode should never be shared with anyone else.
Infection Prevention and Control
Each of the resources will support your knowledge and confidence in Infection Prevention and Control (IPC). The IPC provides an Infection Control service to all healthcare workers (both clinical & non-clinical disciplines), patients, and visitors within NHSGGC. Each Sector and Directorate has an IPC team who can be contacted Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and out these times an on-call Microbiologist is available via switchboard.
Induction Essential Learning
learnPro® module – GGC 007 Standard Infection Control Precautions
learnPro® module – NES: Prevention & Control Infection: C.Difficile
NHSGGC recognises that employees and patients may be exposed to sharps and subsequent needle stick injuries. Those who experience it can be at risk of physical and emotional harm. NHSGGC has a lawful responsibility to reduce this risk and act to keep staff and patients as safe as is practicable.
You and your manager should complete a training needs analysis to identify the sharps equipment used and risks within your clinical area/service.
Induction Essential Learning
If you use sharps as part of your role you must complete:
learnPro® module Prevention and Management of Occupational Exposure
If you feel you need more information please discuss this with your line manager and local Nurse Educator.
Blood Transfusion
Any registered paediatric nurse involved in any stage of the transfusion process is required to undertake the appropriate learning required for their role. The transfusion process includes:
making the decision to transfuse and associated communication with patient
requesting blood components
taking pre-transfusion blood samples
collecting and storing blood components
administration of a transfusion
patient monitoring during and following transfusion
Each of the resources will support your knowledge and confidence in providing palliative and end of life care. The Paediatric Supportive and Palliative Care team at Royal Hospital for Children (RHC) provide tertiary specialist paediatric palliative care across the paediatric spectrum, from the antenatal period, through infancy and childhood and also for young people until they reach their 16th birthday (and those who are 17-18 years but still accessing services at RHC). The service provides an individual patient-centred pathway from diagnosis or recognition that a condition is life-threatening or life-limiting.
The team will accept referrals from any healthcare professional. If a patient requires to be assessed by a member of the team the named consultant on the child or young person’s care must give approval. Get is touch with the team with an electronic referral via TrakCare – Paediatric Supportive and Palliative Care consult.
TrakCare® is the Patient Management System for NHSGGC. All patient episodes (Outpatient, Inpatient and Emergency) are recorded and managed on TrakCare®. TrakCare® incorporates electronic requesting (Order Comms) for Labs, Radiology and Cardiology and electronic results.
Induction Essential Learning
learnPro® module GGC: 009 Safe Information Handling
If after watching the video you feel further training on TrakCare is required, please book your online face to face session via the learnPro home page (Go to the bottom of the page and click on Training events/course booking and apply).
Record Keeping and Documentation
In your clinical environment with many demands on your time, keeping documentation records is a challenging but essential part of your role. All documentation records are part of the nursing process; assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of care.
Throughout your career, as a healthcare professional, you may experience a range of emotions, which could affect your mental health and wellbeing. The NHSGGC: Mental Health and Wellbeing for NHSGGC staff link provides a range of support to prevent and assist with mental health issues in the workplace.
NHSGGC has also produced a booklet with a range of resources and links to support you to take care of your own mental health.
The National Wellbeing Hub contains information, resources and supports which you may find helpful at work and at home.
Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 is effective from April 2024. All staff working in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) should understand the principles of this legislation, which are key building blocks of health and care staffing. This means you have an important contribution to make to the implementation of safe and effective staffing.
Sign this Checklist and print or share an electronic copy with your Senior Charge Nurse. Following completion of Corporate Nursing Induction, your Senior Charge Nurse or local educator, will direct you to specialty specific induction materials. If your post is solely with the NHSGGC Staff Bank you are required to send a signed copy of the completion checklist to
This element of the induction process outlines the minimum essential learning requirements of a Registered Nurse (RN). Please work through the essential learning resources within two weeks of starting in your new role. For NHSGGC Bank Staff this must be completed prior to your first orientation shift. If you require support seek this from your Preceptor, Flying Start NHS® facilitator and or line manager.
Each of the resources will support your knowledge and confidence in a person-centred care approach. Person-centred care and support is everyone’s business in NHSGGC from the people who use services to the highest levels of our corporate team; from reception staff to porters; from kitchen staff to doctors; from personal care staff to social workers to chief executives; and from volunteers to managers.
Each of the resources will support your knowledge and confidence in how you can reduce risk and manage falls and contribute to promoting the Active Wards Principles. A fall with harm in the hospital can have a detrimental impact on the outcome for a patient, with increased length of stay and after-effects of injury resulting in distress for both patient and family and an increased risk of requiring ongoing care and support on discharge. Effective risk assessment and intervention, as well as encouraging activity promotion and risk enablement can help reduce the risk of patients falling, thus ensuring they are safely cared for during their time as an inpatient.
Moving and handling activities is a key part of your duties. This includes assisting patients and tasks such as moving equipment, laundry and stores. To keep yourself and patients safe it is essential you have the correct level of training.
If you have a Scottish Manual Handling Passport no foundation practical training course is required. Bring the passport document in to show your SCN or Team Lead. For Registered Nurses on the NHSGGC Staff Bank, send a copy by email to The dates of Moving and Handling training documented in the passport will go into the ward/ department training records. Complete the mandatory learnPro module: 005 Manual Handling Theory together with the practical competency assessment within your clinical area carried out by one of the local assessors.
All patients should be verbally encouraged to move and position themselves independently. When a patient needs to be moved, handled or requiring a mechanical aid this should be carried out with a member of the ward / department team and not on your own. Please, do not to use hoisting equipment until training completed.
The Deteriorating Patient
Each of the resources will support your knowledge and confidence in care of the deteriorating patient.
Clinical deterioration can occur at any point in a patient’s journey. Early recognition of the deteriorating patient, with a structured response and appropriate escalation can reduce patient harm and mortality. In NHSGGC, the National Early Warning Scoring (NEWS) tool is used to identify patients who are at risk of clinical deterioration. This is a track and trigger tool that is used to improve the assessment of acute illness, detection of clinical deterioration and the initiation of a timely and competent clinical response. The use of NEWS, coupled with effective communication and teamwork are fundamental to patient safety.
Patients with a tracheostomy or laryngectomy are at increased risk of deterioration and complications, and should be placed at a bed space with working oxygen and suction. A completed tracheostomy or laryngectomy (containing associated emergency algorithm) bed head sign should be on display. These patients should have a ‘tracheostomy and laryngectomy emergency box’ with them throughout their hospital stay (including transfers) containing airway equipment in the event of clinical deterioration. Ask your SCN or Team Lead for further guidance in how to care for these patients.
The resources will help to develop your knowledge and confidence in medicines administration and heighten your understanding of your contribution towards patient safety.
NHSGGC is implementing Fresenius Kabi volumetric and syringe devices. If your clinical area has implemented it you should receive cascade training from a member of the clinical area team.
Food, Fluid and Nutrition
Induction Essential Learning
learnPro module GGC: 270 An overview of Malnutrition
learnPro module GGC: 271 Assessing Risk of Malnutrition
NHSGGC uses the FreeStyle Precision Pro ® Blood Glucose Meter for blood glucose monitoring.
All staff must be trained prior to using the meters for the first time.
Induction Essential Learning
learnPro module GGC: 210 FS Precision Pro – Glucose
What next ?Practical training within your clinical area by your Cascade trainer which includes a quality control test and a patient test.
A Meter Compliance Form will then be sent to Clinical Biochemistry.
You will then receive a unique barcode which you will use to analyse any patient samples. Your barcode should strictly never be shared with anyone else. This will be audited
Discharge Planning
The aim of discharge planning is to ensure that patients are discharged from hospital safely and efficiently. Effective discharge planning will ensure patients are discharged from hospital safely and in a timely way, reduce length of stay, reduce pressure on bed availability and improve patient satisfaction. You have a key role within the MDT for effective discharge planning which should start on admission with the Planned Date of Discharge. With the patients permission we should engage early with family, carers, and MDT to plan discharge.
TheDischarge Information Foldercontains key information to assist you including documentation, homecare, social work, Scottish Ambulance Service and Carers Information (access from GGC computer).
Each of the resources will support your knowledge and confidence in Infection Prevention and Control (IPC). The IPC team provide an Infection Control service to all health care workers (both clinical & non-clinical disciplines), patients and visitors within NHSGGC. Each Sector and Directorate has an IPC team who can be contacted Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm and out with these times an on-call Microbiologist is available via switchboard.
Induction Essential Learning
learnPro module GGC: 007 Standard Infection Control Precautions
learnPro module NES: Prevention & Control Infection: C.Difficile
NHSGGC recognises that employees and patients may be exposed to sharps and subsequent needle stick injuries. Those who experience it can be at risk of physical and emotional harm. NHSGGC has a lawful responsibility to reduce this risk and act to keep staff and patients as safe as is practicable.
You and your manager should complete a training needs analysis to identify the sharps equipment used and risks within your clinical area/service.
Induction Essential Learning
learnPro module Prevention and Management of Occupational Exposure
If you feel you need more information please discuss this with your line manager and local nurse educator.
Blood Transfusion
Any registered nurse involved in any stage of the transfusion process is required to undertake the appropriate learning required for their role. The transfusion process includes:
Making the decision to transfuse and associated communication with patient
Requesting blood components
Taking pre-transfusion blood samples
Collecting and storing blood components
Administration of a transfusion
Patient monitoring during and following transfusion
The resources aim to develop your confidence and skills to implement care for the person living with dementia who is admitted to the acute hospital. NHSGGC supports the use of the national ‘Getting to Know Me’ document which links with the “what Matters To Me” ward boards and Single Question in Delirium (SQiD) within the Care Rounding chart.
The Think Delirium presentation aims to raise awareness and provide an opportunity to improve delirium identification, management and risk reduction within your ward or department. Be an agent of change and “Call TIME” on Delirium, especially in Dementia.
Each of the resources will support your knowledge and confidence in providing palliative and end of life care. Everyone can provide palliative care and there are resources available to support you. For complex situations Specialist Palliative Care Teams are available for patients and families. They are also there as a support and educational resource for you. Each hospital has a Specialist Palliative Care team and Referrals can be made via TrakCare®. For urgent review please page the team via switchboard.
NHSGGC recognises that employees and patients may be exposed to violence, aggression, and distress. Those who experience it can be at risk of physical and emotional harm. NHSGGC has a lawful responsibility to reduce this risk and act to keep staff and patients as safe as is practicable.
Our aim is that the risk of harm posed by violence, aggression, and distress will be reduced to its lowest practicable level and that relationships between ourselves, patients, and others who use the service are positive and respectful. To help achieve this, a Public Health, Human Rights Based, Risk Reduction model is used which includes the provision of training that is relevant and sufficient for your role within NHSGGC.
Induction Essential Learning
LearnPro module GGC: 003 – Reducing Risks of Violence and Aggression
Other Useful Resources
Your line manager will complete a Training Needs Analysis to identify if you work in an area/service exposed to a higher risk of violence, aggression, and distress. This will require some staff to attend in-person Health and Safety Violence Reduction training which is booked through eESS.
Prior to attending this training complete LearnPro module GGC: 312 – Violence Reduction – Physical Skills Knowledge – Adults.
TrakCare® is the Patient Management System for NHSGGC. All patient episodes (Outpatient, Inpatient and Emergency) are recorded and managed on TrakCare®. TrakCare® incorporates electronic requesting (Order Comms) for Labs, Radiology and Cardiology and electronic results.
Induction Essential Learning
learnPro® module GGC: 009 Safe Information Handling
If after watching the video you feel further training on TrakCare® is required, please book your online face to face session via the learnPro home page (Go to the bottom of the page and click on training events/course booking and apply).
Record Keeping and Documentation
In your clinical environment with many demands on your time, keeping documentation records is a challenging but essential part of your role. All documentation records are part of the nursing process; assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of care.
The Health & Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 is effective from April 2024. All staff working in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) should understand the principles of this legislation, which are key building blocks of health and care staffing. This means you have an important contribution to make to the implementation of safe and effective staffing.
Sign this Checklist and print or share an electronic copy with your Senior Charge Nurse. Following completion, your Senior Charge Nurse or local educator, will direct you to specialty specific induction materials. If your post is solely with the NHSGGC Staff Bank you are required to send a signed copy of the completion checklist to
Throughout your career, as a healthcare professional, you may experience a range of emotions, which could affect your mental health and wellbeing. The NHSGGC: Mental Health and Wellbeing for NHSGGC staff link provides a range of support to prevent and assist with mental health issues in the workplace.
NHSGGC has also produced a booklet with a range of resources and links to support you to take care of your own mental health.
The National Wellbeing Hub contains information, resources and supports which you may find helpful at work and at home.
The NHSGGC clinical guideline platform has been developed to provide a central repository to access all NHSGGC clinical guidelines and incorporates both medicine and non-medicine related clinical guidelines.
Practice Development offer a variety of clinical skills education and training. Details of these can be viewed and bookings made via eESS: Learner Self Service → Learning →Learner Home → Browse Catalogue → NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde → Clinical Improvement → Clinical Skills.
If venepuncture and/or cannulation training is required, this should be discussed with your line manager as bookings for this training are based upon clinical service need. Please request your line manager to contact if they require further information regarding booking process.
The NHS Education Scotland’s (NES) national Preceptorship resource builds on the Nursing and Midwifery Councils Principles for Preceptorship. It has been developed to offer a consistent approach to support registered nurses and midwives to transition to new roles and practice settings from the point of registration and as they progress through their career.
NHS Flying Start® is a national development programme designed to support newly qualified practitioners (NQPs) to develop into confident and capable, registered health care professionals.
NHSGGC requires all registered nurses and midwives to complete NHS Flying Start® in the first 12 months of practice. This is a learner-directed, work-based programme, supported by a Flying Start Facilitator and line manager.
Restorative Clinical Supervision supports you to reflect, and develop your clinical practice, whilst embedding staff wellbeing and wellness into the working environment, promoting and establishing positive working cultures,leading to improved patient outcomes.
Facilitating Learning
TURAS® is the NES single, unified platform and includes:
The practice educator national network, in collaboration with host boards, develop and deliver learning materials and contribute towards the delivery of local board and NES objectives
Effective Practitioner can help you to identify gaps in knowledge and direct you to resources that can help meet your learning needs. The learning activities have been created specifically for NMAHPs (Nursing, Midwifery and Health Professionals) and will help with performance / KSF development reviews, personal development plans and maintaining your professional registration.
The importance of support and supervision is emphasised throughout all four levels of this evidenced-based framework. The need for the whole workforce to have knowledge and skills related to psychological trauma relative to individual roles and remits is acknowledged.
The purpose of the leadership and management zone learning site is to provide all health and social care staff across Scotland with an easy point of access to a range of development resources about leadership and management. You might currently be in a leadership role wanting to develop your capabilities, or you might be aspiring to develop as a leader, or you might wish to support others’ learning. In this site you will find toolkits, events, topics, programmes and links.
The practice educator national network, in collaboration with host boards, develop and deliver learning materials and contribute towards the delivery of local board and NES objectives
Effective Practitioner can help you to identify gaps in knowledge and direct you to resources that can help meet your learning needs. The learning activities have been created specifically for NMAHPs (Nursing, Midwifery and Health Professionals) and will help with performance / KSF development reviews, personal development plans and maintaining your professional registration.
The importance of support and supervision is emphasised throughout all four levels of this evidenced-based framework. The need for the whole workforce to have knowledge and skills related to psychological trauma relative to individual roles and remits is acknowledged.
The NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Library Network provides library and information services to all staff working within NHSGGC and its partner organisations.
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde recognises the multi-professional workforce is integral to the success of CAS (Care Assurance Standards) and is committed to supporting its staff to deliver safe and effective person centred care. CAS provides a framework for the quality of care experienced by patients, relatives, carers and staff to be consistently communicated and demonstrated across all clinical areas.
The Senior Charge Nurse/Midwife has overall responsibility and accountability for achieving and maintaining the standards. However, the wider organisation’s role is to ensure there is a support structure to ensure the clinical leaders and their teams can embed a culture of continuous improvement within the clinical areas.
Whether you are a newly qualified or experienced practitioner it is a pleasure to welcome you to NHSGGC. We hope you feel welcome and valued as you join us. If you are a newly qualified practitioner we wish you a smooth transition from student to qualified practitioner. Please seek support from your Practice Education Facilitator, Preceptor and Flying Start NHS® Facilitator as you develop into your new role.
The Active Staff Programme was set up to protect and promote health in the workplace by providing a range of free opportunities for all NHSGGC/HSCP staff to engage in activities that support good mental and physical health.
We want equitable access by all staff groups regardless of their fitness level, shift pattern or protected characteristics
Engaging in physical activity not only supports good physical health but good mental health also.
Staff participation in all Active Staff activities is at your own risk and not the responsibility of NHSGGC.
Please assess your own fitness level and suitability for your chosen activity.
Active Staff Face to Face, Online and Outdoor Activities
The classes are completely free for all NHSGGC and HSCP staff. Use the button below to book any of our in-person and online classes.
With a mixture of early morning and evening classes, outdoors or streamed by instructors over Microsoft Teams in the comfort of your home we hope we have something on offer for all levels and for you to enjoy.
Here is some information about all the fantastic activities we offer and all for free!
Our activities include:
Bootcamps / Outdoor
Eastwood Health and Care Centre – Tuesday 5.15pm – 6.15pm
Gartnavel – Tuesday and Thursday 5.15pm – 6.15pm
Glasgow Royal Infirmary – Wednesday 5.30pm – 6.30pm (This bootcamp takes place indoors)
Inverclyde Royal Hospital – Thursday 5pm – 6pm (This bootcamp takes place indoors)
New Victoria – Tuesday and Thursday 5.15pm – 6.15pm (Cancelled until 24.02.25)
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital – Monday 5.00pm – 5.45pm
Stobhill – Monday 6.15pm – 7.15pm
Enjoy your exercise outdoors at our Bootcamps. A fun hour of varied exercises effective in burning calories and increasing fitness and stamina.
Guided Health Walks (Various Locations)
Saturday 1 walk per month
Next Walk Dates:
Saturday 18th January 2025 (Booking now open) – Balloch to Ben Bowie/Gouk Hill and Return
One of our most popular activities is our monthly guide led walks in and around central Scotland. These are around 4 to 6 hours long and up to moderate activity levels.
Let’s Get Moving (Online)
Tuesday 6.15pm – 7.15pm
If you are new to exercise, have not exercised in a while and looking to return, ‘Let’s Get Moving’ is perfect for exploring, returning to and maintaining fitness.
This class combines cardiovascular fitness alongside co-ordination, strength, resistance, balance and flexibility.
Pilates (Online)
Thursday 6.45am – 7.45am
Early morning Pilates to set you up for the day. Pilates requires concentration, co-ordination, and control promoting flexibility, strength, balance and improved body awareness. It is a focused practice that requires complete attention to breathing and how the body is moving. It therefore allows us to switch of from the pressures of daily life reducing stress and promoting relaxation and wellbeing.
Lunchtime Pilates (Online)
Monday 12.30pm – 1.00pm (this session will resume from Monday 6th January 2025)
Thursday 12.30pm – 1.00pm
This will be at beginner level, and a great way to stretch the body after sitting at your desk for a few hours. Pilates is all about building core strength on your back, chest, stomach, shoulders and glutes. This enables better posture, with stability and flexibility for all of your joints.
Strength and Mobility (Queen Elizabeth University Hospital)
Thursday 5.15pm – 6.15pm
Involving a combination of bodyweight, core and different stretching methods where you can strengthen all areas of the body through a body movement sequence.
You do not have to have to be strong or flexible to take part, anyone can do this sequence and improve weekly with an enjoyable progressive class structure.
Please bring a mat if you have one for comfort in the class.
Please note, due to restricted space these classes are offered on a first come first served basis.
Stretch and Tone (Online)
Saturday 10.00am – 11.00am
Low impact class to get the body moving, whether recovering from week before and/or feel more energised for the week ahead. Ease off any stiff or achy muscles with gentle stretches.
Yoga (Online)
Monday 5.30pm – 6.30pm
Wednesday 6.30pm – 7.30pm
Thursday 5.00pm – 6.00pm
With an emphasis on relaxing and letting go, the class is suitable for all levels. Comprising of breath work, asana (postures) and a lovely Yoga Nidra relaxation at the end.
Active Staff Walking Challenges
The Active Staff Spring and Autumn 2024 Walking Challenges have now finished. We are currently collating information from both events and will publish details here soon.
Thank you to everyone who completed our 2024 Active Staff Survey. Your input is very much appreciated and we will publish outcomes from the evaluation on this page soon.
Active Staff have brand new leaflets and posters free to order at the Public Health Resource Directory (under Physical Activity). Please order a bundle to bring along to staff events/meetings.
You can also download and print the leaflet and poster:
Save Money! Get Fit! Help the Environment! To find out more on Cycling and Walking, Parking and Car Share Scheme, Using Public Transport, Staff Shuttle Bus and lots of other help and support visit Travel Information for Staff
Discounted Gym Memberships for NHS Staff
NHSGGC have teamed up with neighbouring local authority leisure providers to offer staff the chance to sign up to discounted leisure memberships. The scheme works by NHSGGC paying the annual membership fee, entitling staff to a 12 months membership. Staff sign a salary mandate form and the payments are deducted on a monthly basis from salary for a period of 12 months. For more information and application procedures visit Staff Benefits
Scottish Ballet Movement and Breath Sessions for NHS & HSCP Staff
Are you seeking fresh ways to feel healthy? Needing to release stress, anxiety and fatigue?
These 10 and 20 minute pre-recorded sessions can be used to support physical and mental wellbeing. Accompanied by specially created music, these resources are used by staff in the workplace and at home and are accessible to all staff regardless of fitness level or age. No movement experience is needed.
20% discount on public transport ticket bundles and 4 weekly tickets for First Bus via Commuter Travel Club
Save up to 25% compared to buying your public transport season ticket on a weekly basis.
Discount on ScotRail season tickets now at approximately 40%.
New ticket option now available for Glasgow Tripper ticket. Travel on multiple bus companies with the one ticket.
SPT ZoneCard ticket now in Smartcard format.
Annual ticket options for First Bus, Glasgow Tripper, ScotRail and SPT ZoneCard. Deductions are taken directly from your weekly/monthly salary saving you the initial outlay.
Easy one off process each year.
No more waiting in a queue for that weekly ticket.
Application process
We have different annual public transport ticket loan schemes on offer for all substantive NHSGGC staff.
The application process for all tickets is quite similar. Please complete the appropriate application form and return it to, or to the address provided on the form.
First Glasgow Mobile Annual Ticket
The First Bus Mobile Annual Ticket Scheme offers staff the opportunity to purchase an Annual Mobile Ticket from First Glasgow and repay through their weekly/monthly salary. M tickets are convenient and can be deactivated in event of loss or theft. First offer two mobile ticket types, City (£565) and Network (£665) depending on what area you travel to work from, click here for the First Glasgow Map. For application forms please click Cityor Network.
The next scheduled start date for annual First Bus ticket applications is Monday24th February 2025. Travel Plan Office need to have received all completed applications no later than Monday 10th February 2025.
Mobile Ticket
Please provide provide name, email address and mobile number on the application submitted to Travel Plan Office
Download the First Bus app and register your details
Once approved, First Bus will add your ticket to your account in advance of the scheduled start date
The staff member can activate the ticket on a date that suits them
First Glasgow NHS staff discount – Commuter Travel Club. Discount now increased to 20%!
NHSGGC staff have always benefited from a 10% discount on First Glasgow 4 weekly season tickets, and ticket bundles, direct to their mobile, through the First Glasgow Commuter Travel Club. However, this has now been increased to provide a 20% reduction for NHSGGC staff.
NHSGGC staff can still apply for annual First Glasgow tickets, through salary deductions, as per the information above, but the Commuter Travel Club supplements this offer, for staff who may not wish to commit to an annual ticket.
This link also provides a helpful list of frequently asked questions, but if you require more information on this, please contact Travel Plan Office on
Glasgow Tripper Ticket
Glasgow Tripper ticket is a season ticket that allows travel on First Glasgow, McGill’s, Stagecoach West, West Coast Motors and Whitelaws across a large geographical area. The ticket currently offers tickets bundles, weekly and 4 weekly options, but from Monday 22nd July 2024, NHSGGC staff were able to purchase an annual Glasgow Tripper ticket and repay the cost via salary deductions. Please visit Glasgow Tripper for more information on zones and validity.
The next scheduled start date for annual ticket applications is Monday 24th February 2025. Travel Plan Office need to have received all completed applications no later than Monday 10th February 2025.
ScotRail Annual Ticket – Discount increased on annual tickets!
The ScotRail Annual Ticket Scheme offers staff the opportunity to purchase an Annual Ticket from ScotRail and repay through their weekly/monthly salary. More information on ticket prices is available from ScotRail. Download an application form, which also has terms and conditions. If applying for the first time, please apply for your free Smartcard first. Once your Smartcard is active, ScotRail can upload your annual ticket to your Smartcard.
An extra discount is being applied to ScotRail season tickets for 12 months, meaning you will save over 40% on an annual peak-time commute compared to 260 “Anytime Day Return” tickets. Please visit ScotRail for more information.
Please contact ScotRail if your Smartcard is lost or stolen cards. ScotRail can issue a replacement ticket, but may apply an administration fee for this. More information is available from ScotRail.
ScotRailAnnual ticket refunds
ScotRail apply a £10 administration fee for all refunds processed. In general, an annual season tickets has no refund value after 10 1/2 months. More information on the refund process for season tickets is available from National Rail.
SPT ZoneCard
ZoneCard goes smart!
SPT revamped the pricing and zone configuration for ZoneCard from 24th June 2024. The changes are significant and have resulted in ZoneCard moving to a smartcard format and ticket prices being revised.
All current ZoneCard tickets issued will remain valid until their expiry date. More information on the new zones and pricing structure is available from SPT. Forms for the new tickets are available below. You will require a SPT Zonecard specific Smartcard to load your ticket. You can load your ZoneCard to a ScotRail, Subway, McGills, Stagecoach and NEC smartcard – but you still need to set up a ZoneCard account and register smartcard to your account. This is done via SPT.
Any member of staff wishing to submit their annual ZoneCard for refund should contact SPT at
There are different application forms for every type of ZoneCard, so please ensure you submit the correct one.
If your smartcard is lost or stolen you should inform the card issuer and SPT at The lost/stolen card can be remotely blocked and the remaining validity of your ticket loaded onto another smartcard. If you need to replace a lost/stolen ZoneCard smartcard a charge may apply. You will be responsible for your own travel costs while your enquiry is being processed.
Stagecoach NHS staff discount
Stagecoach offer a range of discounted season ticket options for NHSGGC staff via Staff Benefits. For more information, please visit Stagecoach.
Public Transport – Flexible ticket options
For staff who do not wish to opt for a public transport annual ticket, there are other options available.
A wide range of public transport season tickets are available from First Glasgow, McGill’s, ScotRail, SPT Subway, Stagecoach West & West Coast Motors. The majority of transport operators provide more ticket options and discounts via their apps. First Glasgow also offer NHSGGC staff 20% discount on 4 weekly ticket and ticket bundles via their Commuter Travel Club. For more information on the range of tickets offered, please click the appropriate link below.
Glasgow Tripper Ticket provides travel on First Glasgow, Glasgow Citybus, McGill’s, Stagecoach West and Whitelaws for one day, one week or for ticket bundles. Glasgow Tripper tickets are also available via the First Glasgow, McGill’s and West Coast Motors ticket apps.
Scottish Citylink service 902, which links Edinburgh Airport to Glasgow City Centre via Livingston, Airdrie and Coatbridge, provides 10 journey ticket options. For more information, please visit Scottish Citylink.
Latest news – Dr Bike and staff engagement events planned!
Forthcoming Events
We have received funding from Paths for All to allow us to host more “Dr Bike” and information events for staff. The information events cover all aspects of active and sustainable travel options for staff including Cycle to Work scheme, annual public transport season ticket options and journey planning.
We are restricted in the number of bikes that can be checked at Dr Bike events, so bike maintenance checks will be limited to a first come, first serve basis. Information for events in 2025 will be posted here!
If you would like to be added to the circulation for the Bicycle Users Group, please email
Cycle support
There are lots of initiatives and events to support and encourage active and sustainable travel. Please click heading below for more information
There are a range of cycle storage facilities at our acute sites for staff to use. Bicycles should be secured using an approved lock. Any bicycles left over a period of time will be removed to ensure availability of these facilities for those who need them on a daily basis. Guidance on how to secure your bike is available from Police Scotland.
For more information on changing and showering facilities, please contact the relevant Site Facilities department. For more information on cycling to work, including Cyclescheme, please contact
Gartnavel General/Royal Hospital
Secure cycle shelters are located at the main entrance to Gartnavel General (30 bikes) and adjacent to the Beatson (20 bikes)
Secure cycle shelter (10 bikes) at car park near Admin Building.
Cycle racks are also located outside J B Russell House and Gartnavel Royal
The key for the Beatson cycle shelter and Gartnavel General main entrance is available for a £5 refundable deposit. Contact the General Office, attached to the Cashiers Office in the admin corridor at Gartnavel General
Showers are available in the Administration building, JB Russell House and west end of West House for Gartnavel Royal and are located within staff changing areas. Please contact the respective site Facilities Management for more information.
Glasgow Royal Infirmary
Cycle racks for 50 bikes and clothing storage lockers are available internally at ground floor level within Queen Elizabeth Building (QEB) in the link corridor. The lockers require a £1 coin to operate (deposit)
There is also secure cycle storage at the entrances at Medical Block (50 bikes) and at New Lister Building (20 bikes), with cycle racks outside the entrance to New Lister Building, towards the rear of MacEwan Building and at the car park at A & E
There are also cycle pods outside New Lister Building, which are managed by the University
There are shower facilities available in Centre Block ground floor level near to security desk, key available from security. Showers are also available in male and female changing rooms outside wards 24 and 33 of Surgical Block. There are also female showers in the female changing rooms in QEB lower ground level.
Inverclyde Royal Hospital
A secure shelter for 10 bikes is located outside the main hospital entrance. Bicycle lockers are situated adjacent to the main hospital entrance area
There are staff changing and shower facilities available on Level ‘B’ (lower ground floor).
New Stobhill Hospital
Secure cycle storage is located at the main hospital at East & West entrances. Cycle racks are also located at these locations.
Secure cycle storage for 10 bikes at shelters at Skye House and Belmont Centre.
Showers are located within the staff changing area on the third floor of the main hospital.
New Victoria Hospital
There is a secure cycle shelter located at the main entrance to the hospital. There are cycle racks in the underground car park
There is also a Bike Repair stand at the secure cycle shelter at the main entrance
The code for the shelters is available from Facilities
Changing areas with shower and locker facilities are located within the secure staff changing area on the second floor of the hospital
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital & Royal Hospital for Children’s Campus
There are various secure cycle stores at the QEUH campus: Capacity is shown in brackets Maternity block (10), opposite A & E entrance (30) adjacent to the Office Block (100), rear of the CMB (60), Neurological Sciences (10), Lollipop Lane (10). The QEUH walking and cycling map shows the location of cycle parking across the campus and information on staff shower and changing facilities
There is also a Bike Repair stand at the “Yellow” bike shelter at car park 1, near the entrance to Children’s Hospital.
Royal Alexandra Hospital
A secure shelter is available at the main entrance to A & E and at the side of the Paediatric Building
There is also a cycle shelter situated at the top of the main patient and visitor car park
There are an additional cycle lockers situated between the main concourse and OT/Physio area (small external area)
Contact Cashiers Office at ground floor, near cafe, for access to the shelters. Simon Millar – Chair of BUG 0141 314 6609 (46609)2 can also provide support
Showers are available within staff changing areas within the Main Building, Theatres and Maternity.
Vale of Leven
A secure, enclosed cycle shed is situated across from the only bus stop on the site, which is positioned at the old entrance to the Maternity Unit
There is also a cycle rack under the covered area directly behind the bus stop where bikes can be secured safely for a short period of time only.(Not overnight)
Changing and shower facilities are available within the male and female changing rooms
To obtain a key for entry to the secure bike shed a small deposit is required which should be paid to the cashier at the main entrance who will issue the key.
West Glasgow ACH
Secure cycle parking is available at the main hospital entrances. There are also bike racks in these areas
Female staff changing area with shower and locker facilities are located on the ground floor within the Bute corridor.
Male changing and shower facilities are located on the 1st floor of the tower opposite the Staff Coffee Lounge.
Cycling and walking maps
NHSGGC have developed walking and cycling guides for our Acute Hospital Sites.
The maps provide information for staff, visitors and outpatients walking and cycling routes, public transport options and access points surrounding the site.
Please click on the links below to access and download a copy:
Additional repayment options of 18 and 24 months are now available, meaning even more people can become regular cyclists and afford higher-priced items like e-bikes and have the opportunity to explore cycling as an option for their commute. The maximum loan staff can apply for is £4,000.
Cycling is not only good for your health, it saves you time and money and is much better for the environment. Through Cyclescheme you can save between 25-39% on a brand new bike and accessories and spread the cost over 6, 12, 18 or 24 months through your salary.
1. It’s here to stay; the scheme is effective and will continue to run 2. You can now save on bikes up to the scheme limit of £4,000 3. You can now get any accessories and components you need to stay in saddle.
Save money on the cost of a brand new bike and equipment, average saving is around 32%*
Get Fit by cycling to work.
Lose weight.
Reduce your individual carbon footprint.
Save money on your regular fuel bill.
No stress having to find a parking space.
Good scenic cycle routes away from the congested main roads.
Easy to use online scheme
Have a new bike and/or equipment within 14 days.
Scheme description and application process explained
The Cycle to Work scheme is a salary sacrifice scheme, this means that instead of making a ‘direct’ saving on the purchase you make the saving on your tax and NI contributions as the monthly deductions come off your gross wage (pre tax & NI.) For example – prior to this change if you wanted to get a £1,500 cycle to work package you would have requested a certificate for £1,000 and added £500 of your own funds. This would have resulted in a standard rate taxpayer saving £250 (inc. an ownership fee). Now, you would save £375 (inc. an ownership fee). Everything you need to stay in the saddle
Important information. Please read before applying
In line with other salary sacrifice schemes, pension contributions into the NHS pension scheme are deducted from your full salary before the deduction of the salary sacrifice. If you need any more information, please contact your Payroll Officer before applying
The deductions must not take you below the lower earnings limit
You must also be employed by NHSGGC for the period of the hire agreement (6, 12, 18 and 24 month hire options are available if staff are on a contracted post)
How to apply
Please visit Cyclescheme retailer you wish you shop with and get a quote for your desired bike package, alternatively if you know how much you want to spend just apply for that amount. The maximum limit for a loan is £4,000. This can be repaid over 6, 12, 18 or 24 months.
Visit the Cyclescheme website and enter the required details – you will also need to agree to and sign your online Salary Sacrifice Agreement as part of your online application. The code for NHSGGC is 6b370
Travel Plan Office will review your application and approve or decline it. This is based on verification from NHSGGC Payroll Team.
If approved you will receive an email from Cyclescheme to start the Sign & Collect process and at this point you will need to confirm which Cyclescheme retailer you are using.
You will then receive your Certificate number and Redemption Code by e mail. Take this in-store to your chosen retailer/or follow the online retailer process steps and redeem for your Cyclescheme package.
Whilst you are in store the retailer will redeem your certificate. They will then send you an SMS with a link to sign your Hire Agreement. Once completed you can head home with your new cycling gear.
Payments will be deducted from your weekly/monthly salary over 6, 12,18 or 24 months, usually beginning the month following application.
The only items you’re not allowed to save on are:
GPS ride trackers and navigational computers
Cameras (such as GoPros)
Car bike racks
Turbo trainers or rollers.
End of hire agreement.
At the end of the hire period (12 months), Cyclescheme will contact employees to discuss the three options available.
The most attractive option for employees and the one that NHSGGC would always recommend will be to pay a small, refundable deposit (3% if under £500 or 7% if £500+ of the certificate value) and continue to use the bicycle or safety equipment for an extended period of up to 36 months upon which time the bike and/or equipment will be transferred to you.
Hand back the bike and or equipment (not recommended)
Pay the HMRC set fair market value, 18% if under £500 and 25% if £500+ (again, not recommended) which would make the bike/equipment ‘yours’ after 12 months however this reduces drastically the savings made through the scheme
More information on the end of hire process is available from Cyclescheme.
Staff Parking Permit Application Process and Forms
Staff permits are allocated on the basis of frequency of need to use your personal vehicle to undertake NHS duties, and supply and demand at each site. You apply for a permit for your base site which allows you to park in the permit areas of other NHSGGC sites with managed car parking in place, you do not apply for each site you require to attend for work.
Not all sites use the same application, please see below or click on site to download the correct application;
Please only submit the above application forms after they have been verified by your GM and Director.
They can be e-mailed to Please note, this e-mail address receives a very high number of enquires and as such a response may take some time.
Staff Non Permit Holders
A number of parking bays will also be set aside for non-permit holding staff at each of following sites.
Gartnavel Campus: Area adjacent to transport depot at Shelley Court
Glasgow Royal Infirmary: MSCP Level 4
Royal Alexandra Hospital: Various locations at front rear and side of the hospital building
QEUH: Surface Car Parks: P4, P5, P7
Stobhill: Adjacent to nursery
Victoria ACH: Entrance ‘A’
West Glasgow ACH: Lower car park.
These spaces are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to review of effect on car park management arrangements at each site.
Car Share Permit Information
We encourage staff to car share where practical and possible. Car sharing can help you reduce your daily travel costs while helping to reduce CO2 emissions at the same time. You can take turns driving and you do not have to do it every day. It’s completely flexible.
Regular car-sharers save on average £80 a month – that’s nearly £1000 per year! They drastically reduce CO2 emission which helps towards a healthier and happier community.
Please note that car share permits are available on selected sites, West Glasgow ACH, QEUH, Gartnavel Hospitals Campus and RAH.
Reduce your individual carbon footprint.
Reduce stress, share the driving.
No need to change your insurance.
Car Share information and application form
Contact the travel plan office by email or phone 0141 451 1646 or 0141 451 1647.
Complete the Application Form for each car share team member. This is an online process, via Staffnet, and the travel plan office will process your application and notify applicants within 10 to 14 working days *only available through intranet.
Car Share Permit holders must observe the following terms and conditions
Permit holders must observe the following terms and conditions.
Permits can only be used for car share journeys and must not be used for single occupancy journeys. If team members are on leave then the car share permit cannot be used.
Please ensure your car share team is still in place when you enter the car parks as attendants will be monitoring the car share permit spaces.
The permit is issued for use by members of the car share group only. It is not transferable and must not be used for single occupancy journeys.
The permit is only valid for the site the permit is issued for and cannot be used at any other site.
Misuse or breaches will result in the permit being withdrawn.
Notify the Travel Plan office at if your team membership changes.
Please notify by return if you no longer require a car share permit.
Staff are encouraged to extend the membership of their car sharing teams and are encouraged to find additional matches for your commute.
For more information contact Travel Plan Office on 0141 451 1467 [61467] or email
Concern regarding insurance for those officially car sharing
The Association of British Insurers is supportive of car sharing and have agreed that insurance cover will not be affected if passengers contribute towards your journey costs (including fuel, vehicle depreciation and associated vehicle running costs), as long as lifts are given in a vehicle seating eight passengers or less. The principle being that a profit is not made from private travel.
Over 300 insurance providers are members of the ABI, accounting for about 95% of the motor insurance market in the UK. Drivers with any concerns, however, should check with their own insurance company as terms and conditions may vary between insurance providers over time.
Pool cars are available for staff to access at a number of sites, with many of these electric vehicles. More information is available from Pool Cars under Managed Car Parking pages.
For more information on alternatives to driving and the boards sustainable and active travel schemes please look at the following link Travel Information for Staff – NHSGGC
The maximum number of NHSGGC staff that can be carried on each Shuttle Bus is limited to 4.
Local Bus Services
Stagecoach X19 operates at regular intervals between Glasgow Royal Infirmary and Queen Elizabeth University Hospitals (QEUH) via Govan and Glasgow City Centre.
First Glasgow 34 operates at regular intervals between Castlemilk, New Victoria, Shawlands – Cardonald and QEUH.
First Glasgow 77 operates at regular intervals to link Glasgow City Centre, Partick, West Glasgow ACH, QEUH, Braehead and Renfrew, with some journeys extending to Glasgow Airport.
McGills service 17 operates between Foxbar, RAH, Paisley, Cardonald and QEUH.
Dedicated Shuttle Bus Services
There are timetabled services between the below noted sites.
Glasgow Royal Infirmary to Gartnavel General Hospital
Glasgow Royal Infirmary to Stobhill ACH
Gartnavel General Hospital to QEUH
QEUH to Glasgow Royal Infirmary
QEUH to New Victoria ACH
RAH to Vale of Leven – more journeys have been added
Important Information
There is no advance booking of seats, availability is on a ‘first come first served’ basis. Shuttle Bus Service is only available for use by NHSGGC Staff or authorised persons. No patient travel is allowed. Timetables correct as of 16th June 2023.
Whilst every effort will be made to operate according to the above timetables, journey times may be affected by inclement weather and/or road traffic conditions.
Supervision provides a safe place for reflection for all AHPs, regardless of band or role (registered staff and health care support workers).
NHSGGC clinical supervision policy and supporting documents