From February 2018 onwards Statutory Mandatory training is delivered via LearnPro.
9 Core Topics have been agreed that all staff must undertake:
- GGC001 Fire Safety
- GGC002 Health and Safety, An Introduction
- GGC003 Reducing Risks of Violence & Aggression
- GGC004 Equality, Diversity and Human Rights
- GGC005 Manual Handling Theory
- GGC006 Public Protection – (Adult Support & Protection and Child Protection)
- GGC007 Standard Infection Control Precautions
- GGC008 Security and Threat
- GGC009 Safe Information Handling
The review period for these courses is every three years with the exception of Fire Safety which is every year.
Moving forward all NHSGGC LearnPro courses will be numbered from 001-999. This is to help with identification of courses and to prevent confusion where course titles are similar in name. Course names will not be changed and are still searchable in the same way. An updated list of all courses and course titles will be available on HR Connect in January 2019.
As well as undertaking the Core Statutory Mandatory Training modules, you may be required to undertake Essential (Role Specific) topics depending on your role. This should be discussed with your Line Manager and agreed as part of your PDP.
If staff members have completed courses and showing as Complaint on their Learn Pro Account but not compliant on Managers Monthly reports then the staff member needs to add/amend their payroll number on their profile.