Are you pregnant or a breastfeeding mum living in Govanhill or the surrounding areas? Then why not pop down to the Govanhill Baby Cafe for a cuppa and a chat?
The cafe is open to all pregnant and breastfeeding mums (and their families) and meets in Govanhill Neighbourhood Centre, 6 Daisy Street, Govanhill every Tuesday between 11am and 1pm.
At the Baby Cafe you can get breastfeeding support from health professionals and chat to other mums about their experiences of breastfeeding and motherhood. Older siblings are welcome too.
This is one of three Baby Cafes in the Greater Glasgow area – the other two are in Kirkintilloch and Barrhead – and they are run by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and the National Childcare Trust.
Morag McCreadie, Health Visitor who supports the Govanhill group said: “These cafes are great way of meeting other mums, get some one-to-one help with breastfeeding from professionals and have a cuppa and a chat.
“Feedback from mums suggests that one of the things they really enjoy about the cafe is having other mums to talk to about breastfeeding, bringing up children and coping with a new baby. It’s a great support network.”
For more information, contact: 0141 423 6492 or
Barrhead Baby Cafe (Thursdays 2-4pm at Auchenback Resource Centre), contact:
Kirkintilloch Baby Cafe (Tuesdays 2-4pm, Hillhead Community Centre, 169 Meiklehill Rd. Kirkintilloch, G66 2JT), contact: or