The Glasgow City Health Improvement Training Calendar offers online and face to face training on a variety of health priorities and themes. Courses and online learning are facilitated by Glasgow City Heath Improvement or provided by external organisations and are free of charge, offered on a first come first served basis. These courses are aimed at practitioners supporting people and communities across the life span in Glasgow City.
Please see information below on the courses offered and upcoming dates. You can book a place using the links provided. There is demand for spaces and we operate a short waiting list for each course. We kindly ask that if you do book a place and can no longer make it, please let us know as soon as possible so that your place can be offered to someone else. For all queries or to contact the team please email:
Education staff: We welcome education staff working in Glasgow City to attend any of our training courses outlined below. We would like to encourage you to access additional information, resources and training specific to education staff working in Glasgow City on our HWB Website. The content on the website has been quality assured by our Glasgow City Health Improvement Team and has been developed for Early Years, Primary and Secondary establishments.
Equalities and Human Rights
Please see below upcoming dates for Equalities and Human Rights Training Courses delivered by Glasgow City Health Improvement.
Equally Safe Young People Training
Upcoming Dates:
6th March 2025, 9:30am-12:30pm, Eastbank Conference and Training Centre, 22 Academy Street, Shettleston G32 9AA. Book a place.
Course aims and learning outcomes
- This 3 hour training course aims to
- Equip youth work staff with the knowledge and understanding of the underlying causes of gender based violence.
- Increase understanding of and confidence in preventing and addressing abuse within young people’s intimate relationships.
- Promote the use of the Guidelines for responding to Gender Based Violence in a Youth Setting by youth workers.
Learning Outcomes
Increased knowledge and understanding of
- The effects of gender stereotyping on young people
- The signs and effects of abuse within young people’s intimate relationships
- Increased confidence in talking with young people about the issues of relationship abuse and exploitation
- Increased knowledge and understanding of the Guideline for Responding to Gender Based Violence in Youth Work Settings
- Be able to use the Guideline for
- Responding to Gender Based Violence in Youth Work Settings to support young people when needed
Level: Informed
Inequality, Equity and Social Justice
Please note, this course takes place over two half days. Participants must be able to attend both dates to secure a place.
Upcoming Dates:
18th and 25th March 2025, 9:30am-12:30pm, Elderpark Housing Association, 65 Golspie St, Govan, G51 3AX . Book a place.
Course aims and learning outcomes
- To explore the idea of relative poverty and its link to social justice.
Learning Outcomes:
- Introduce key aspects of the determinants of health; poverty, inequality and social class.
- Broaden participants’ understanding of different groups’ experiences of inequality.
- Enable participants to develop a basic understanding of social inclusion and social justice.
- Whilst the course has a specific view on young people, it would be beneficial to anyone with an interest in equality and social justice and how it impacts on communities.
Level: Informed
The impact of caring: responding to the needs of parents caring for a child with additional support needs
Upcoming Dates:
12th March 2025, 10-11:30am, Clarice Pears, University of Glasgow, 90 Byres Road, G12 8TB . Book a place.
26th March 2025, 3:30-5pm, St. Albert’s Primary School, 36 Maxwell Drive, Pollokshields, G41 5DU. Book a place.
Course aims and learning outcomes
- The session provides an insight into the lived experience of parents caring for a disabled child or child with additional support needs whilst also providing participants with information on supports available for families.
Learning Outcomes:
- Develop participants understanding of the parenting experience when caring for a disabled child or child with additional support needs including autism.
- Broaden participants understanding of parent carer’s experience of inequality.
- Enhance knowledge of how best to support families and where to signpost for further support, information and advice.
Level: Informed
Food and Nutrition
Please see below upcoming dates for Food and Nutrition Training Courses delivered by Glasgow City Health Improvement and partners.
Healthy Eating and Nutrition
Upcoming dates:
12th March 2025, 12:30-3pm, Pollok Community Centre, 134 Langton Road, Pollok, G53 5DP. Book a place.
Course aims and learning outcomes
- To increase understanding and highlight importance of the current healthy eating recommendations, and guidelines, through the Eatwell Guide.
Learning outcomes:
- This session aims to introduce you to key health issues related to nutrition, and Scottish Dietary Goals;
- To increase your knowledge and understanding of healthy eating, using the Eatwell Guide and what’s behind the food group segments.
- To introduce, and better understand reputable sources of nutrition information and available resources.
Level: Informed
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Please see below upcoming dates for Mental Health and Wellbeing Training Courses delivered by Glasgow City Health Improvement.
Healthy Minds Resource
Healthy Minds is a universal resource which aims to promote basic awareness and understanding of mental health and topics that are associated with and can impact on mental health and wellbeing. It is a cascading and capacity building resource that aims to support partners and organisations deliver on the public mental health agenda. The focus of Healthy Minds is prevention and early intervention.
The resource is aimed at anyone who has an interest in raising awareness of mental health and wellbeing. You don’t need any prior experience or qualifications to deliver any of the sessions. However, if you would like some support and an overview of the Healthy Minds pack to help you plan and deliver these sessions, please get in touch with our team. Email:
Use the button below to find out more and browse the Healthy Minds Resource collection.
Scottish Mental Health First Aid (SMHFA) – Adult
Please note this is a 2-day training course and participants must be able to attend both days to secure a place.
Upcoming dates:
25th and 26th March 2025, 9am-4:30pm, Eastbank Conference and Training Centre, 22 Academy Street, Shettleston G32 9AA. Book a place.
Course aims and learning outcomes
- To preserve life
- To provide help to prevent a mental health problem or crisis developing
- To promote recovery and wellbeing
- To provide comfort to a person experiencing distress
- To promote understanding of mental health issues
The Course will support you in learning more about:
- How to apply to 5 steps of SMHFA
- How to respond if you believe someone is at risk of suicide
- How to give immediate help until professional help is available
- What to do and say in a crisis
- The importance of good listening skills, practice listening and responding
- Understanding recovery, the connection between mental health problems and alcohol and drugs, mental health problems and discrimination
- Some basic information about common mental health problems and self-help information
Level: Skilled
Scottish Mental Health First Aid (SMHFA) – Young People
We’re sorry, there are currently no upcoming dates scheduled for this course. You can find additional learning opportunities around suicide prevention using the buttons below.
Suicide Contagion
Upcoming dates:
19th March 2025, 10am-12:30pm, Eastbank Conference and Training Centre, 22 Academy Street, Shettleston G32 9AA. Book a place.
Course aims and learning outcomes
- To increase participants’ awareness of the multi-agency approach to suicide prevention across the Greater Glasgow and Clyde Board area
Learning outcomes/objectives:
Increased understanding of;
- The current data around suicide, particularly around age and gender.
- Some of the factors that can contribute to people taking their own life, or attempting to take their own life.
- The impact that different forms of media can have on rates of suicide attempts and deaths by suicide.
- The risks associated with irresponsible reporting of suicide in the media.
Level: Informed
What’s the Harm: Self-harm Awareness (1 hour)
Upcoming dates:
11th February 2025, 2-3pm, MS Teams. Book a place.
Course aims and learning outcomes
- To increase participants’ understanding of self-harm when used as a coping strategy
Learning outcomes/objectives:
- Introduce and develop your understanding of self-harm
- Gain access to resources to support those using self-harm as a coping strategy
- Information on skilled level training to support self-harm awareness and skills development
Level: Informed
What’s the Harm: Self-harm awareness and skills training (1-day)
Upcoming dates:
30th January 2025, 9am-4:30pm, Eastbank Conference and Training Centre, 22 Academy Street, Shettleston G32 9AA. Book a place.
Course aims and learning outcomes
- This 1-day training course aims to help dispel the myths about self-harm and equip participants to support people who may use self-harm as a coping strategy. The focus of the training is self-harm when used as a coping strategy and where the individual has no intention to end their life.
Learning outcomes/objectives:
At the end of the programme, participants will be able to:
- State a definition of self-harm, which recognises that it is predominantly a coping strategy.
- Describe the difference between self-harm and suicide.
- Discuss the spectrum of self-harm behaviour.
- Describe the emotional, social and physiological factors that may underlie self-harming behaviours.
- Reflect on your own feelings and reactions to self-harm and how these can impact on interventions.
- Describe a range of appropriate and safe responses/interventions, including harm reduction.
- Discuss issues which impact on working with self-harm within the context of your own workplace/ role.
- Access a range of self-harm resources to support practice.
Level: Skilled
What’s the Harm: Self-harm awareness and skills – Training for Trainers
If you are interested in completing the 3-day Training for Trainers course, please get in touch with our team:
The board wide Mental Health Improvement Team share information on a range of mental health training and capacity building opportunities available below.
Glasgow City is part of the national suicide prevention programme and action plan, to reduce and prevent suicide in Scotland. The training promoted in Glasgow is SafeTALK, ASIST and SuicideTALK. Further information, upcoming dates and details on how to book suicide prevention training can be found via the Glasgow City HSCP Your Support Your Way website linked below.
Multiple Risk
The following courses are delivered by our partners The Scottish Drugs Forum (SDF) and are commissioned by Glasgow City HSCP.
Alcohol Awareness
Upcoming Dates:
14th January 2025, 9:15am-1:15pm, Online. Book a place.
Course aims and learning outcomes
This online training aims to increase knowledge and awareness of the key issues relating to alcohol use in Scotland. Participants will have the opportunity to consider harm reduction and support strategies.
Learning outcomes/objectives:
- Our courses are very popular. If you find you are unable to make it then please let us know as soon as possible so we can allocate your place to someone on the waiting list.
- Discuss the prevalence of alcohol use in Scotland.
- Recall the unit content for common drinks and low risk drinking guidelines.
- Identify a range of reasons why people use alcohol.
- Discuss the effects and costs of alcohol use associated with different patterns of drinking.
- Recall key resources and support services available to reduce alcohol-related harm.
Cannabis Awareness
Upcoming Dates:
Dates coming soon.
Course aims and learning outcomes
This training aims to increase awareness, knowledge and provides an opportunity to explore current and emerging trends in cannabis use. Harm reduction and support strategies will be explored.
Learning outcomes/objectives:
- Recall effective techniques for working with cannabis users including harm reduction.
- Give an overview of the current trends with cannabis including synthetic cannabinoids.
- Recall the main effects and side effects of cannabis.
- Identify the typical presenting issues for problematic cannabis use.
- Identify treatment options for dependent cannabis users.
Cocaine and Psychostimulants Training
Upcoming Dates:
Dates coming soon.
Course aims and learning outcomes
This training aims to increase awareness, knowledge and provides an opportunity to explore current and emerging trends with psychostimulants. Harm reduction and support strategies will be explored.
Learning outcomes/objectives:
- Identify effective strategies and techniques for working with psychostimulant users including harm reduction and sleep management.
- Recall the current trends and emerging trends with psychostimulants including increases to purity, adulterants, and stimulant type NPS.
- Give an overview of the key psychostimulants in use including cocaine, amphetamines, ecstasy, and stimulant type NPS.
- Identify recreational and problematic psychostimulant use.
- Recognise the signs and symptoms of stimulant related overdose and identify how to respond.
CRAFFT Screening Tool Training
Upcoming Dates:
Dates coming soon.
Course aims and learning outcomes
This training opportunity for trusted adults who engage with young people to develop their knowledge and skills to effectively engage in one-to-one early intervention conversations about alcohol and drug use. The training and screening tool will help to identify young people who may benefit from a brief intervention and if needed, a motivational discussion about their alcohol and drug use.
Pre-training requirements
Participants must:
- Work with young people aged 12-17 within Glasgow City
- Have previously attended SDF Multiple Risk and Young People training
- Have access to a digital device that enables you to use the CRAFFT app to access online questionnaire to record screenings and outcomes
- Engage with Health Improvement Team to access any support required and contribute to CRAFFT evaluation
Drug Awareness
Upcoming Dates:
21st January 2025, 9:15am-1:15pm, Online. Book a place.
Course aims and learning outcomes
This online training aims to increase drug awareness and knowledge and participants will have the opportunity to explore current and emerging trends within substance use. The training will consider harm reduction and support strategies.
Learning outcomes/objectives:
- Identify effective techniques to support people who use drugs and alcohol.
- Name the seven key drug categories and their key effects
- Recall an overview of the key substances in use
- Identify the reasons why people choose to use drugs and alcohol
- Recall poly-drug use and dependant substance use patterns
- Describe signs of overdose and how to respond
Ketamine Awareness Training
Upcoming Dates:
Dates coming soon.
Course aims and learning outcomes
This in-person training aims to increase knowledge of the current and emerging trends in ketamine use. Participants will be able to identify physical and psychological effects and recognise the wider impact of ketamine use. Participants will gain an awareness of harm reduction, support strategies and signposting.
Learning outcomes/objectives:
- Understand effective strategies and techniques for supporting someone who is using Ketamine including harm reduction.
- Recall the current and emerging ketamine trends.
- Identify the physical and psychological effects and recognise the wider impact of ketamine.
- Understand the impact of poly drug use
Multiple Risk and Young People
Upcoming Dates:
30th January 2025, 9:15am-1:15pm, Online. Book a place.
Course aims and learning outcomes
This online training aims to increase awareness, knowledge of multiple risk and young people. Participants will have the opportunity to explore multiple risk and what that means in practice when working with young people.
Learning outcomes/objectives:
- Demonstrate effective signposting and interventions which tackle multiple risk, build resilience, and support post-traumatic growth.
- Identify common risk behaviours displayed by young people.
- Define multiple risk.
- Discuss positive and negative aspects of risk.
- Identify common risk behaviours.
- Recall the factors and Adverse Childhood Experiences that influence risk taking and identify the impact of these on resilience.
Please see below upcoming dates for Poverty Training Courses delivered by Glasgow City Health Improvement.
Poverty Awareness
Upcoming dates:
25th February 2025, 9:30-11:30am, MS Teams. Book a place.
Course aims and learning outcomes
- Explore the causes and impact of poverty from a national to a local community perspective.
- Identify actions to poverty proof the work you are involved in and promote greater inclusion and participation
Learning outcomes:
- Understand the causes of poverty.
- Identify the impact that poverty has on children and young people’s wellbeing.
Level: Informed